Here is the breakdown of what would happen if I go with Dr. DeChiara:
I have a choice of saline or silicon, she doesn't have a preference. Her own were saline, but that we before the silicone was legal, and she's very happy with hers. The brand she uses is Mentor and they have a limited warranty for life that will replace them for free, and there is an additional insurance I could purchase (For roughly $100 the nurse said). She said getting future MRI's to check for breakage is not popular anymore. Any revisions during the first year may require another surgeons' fee. She didn't mention anything about cost for complications.
She has been doing breast and other cosmetic surgery for over 10 years now. She does them in the attached hospital in one of four cosmetic surgery only suites. There would be an FEMALE anesthesiologist, the Dr. herself, her nurse (my friend!) and a surgical tech in the room.
The surgery is done with general anesthesia. While in, they give an IV of antibiotics and then prescribe them afterwards along with heavy pain medication (Percocet). She told me she could get me something stronger if that was necessary because I told her I have a low sensitivity to pain meds. Because I am young and healthy she told me it wasn't necessary to go off my medications, though she did say that I needed to be careful on the actual antibiotics because some aren't effective while talking them. The incision can be however I chose, and she said that the idea of infection under the arm wasn't anything to be worried about. She places them under the muscle. They use dissolvable stitches and two small strips of surgical tape around the incision.
The procedure takes two hours total prep and surgery time, and afterwards I'm required to stay a few hours for monitoring. They'll make sure my pain meds are working and that I'm safe to leave. I have to be there 1 1/2 hours early. She only does BA's on Tuesdays and Fridays.
We didn't discuss aftercare. (I figured that I know enough now that I'll decide after I book). The after-care and post op visits are included in his fee, and they see you right after the surgery, 2-3 days later and then in 3 months, 6 months, and once a year. Sleeping was recommended to do sitting up for the first couple of days to keep from straining muscles used to maneuver.
The Dr. suggested that I give myself at least four days to do absolutely nothing so that I recover well. She said that it is extremely painful (contrary to other's) and I'll want to be comfortable. I will be able to shower the next day.
A deposit of $500 is suggested for booking my surgery, but she said not required.
Exact fee breakdown:
Dr. Fee: $3900
Implants: $750
Facility/Anesthesia: $2625
TOTAL: $7275
*not including FAF discount
Dr. Fee: $3900
Implants: $1600
Facility/Anesthesia: $2625
TOTAL: $8125
*not including FAF discount
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