I had my post op doctor's visit today. Let me tell you: driving down there was something else! I really thought I'd be in better shape by now, but that trip taught me otherwise. I did my best to drive as careful as possible, but if anything would have happened I would have been screwed.
When I got there I didn't wait long and was whisked into a room to see my nurse. She told me to get undressed and put on a robe. Then we undid my bra and waist binder.
Side note: I finally took a shower last night. It was wonderful. Weird in some places, as I couldn't feel the water everywhere and it was hard to maneuver, but still wonderful. I used every last drop of hot water possible. I also washed my hair [yay!] but didn't shave because I still can't reach certain areas. When I got out I put on the second bra that I came home with and also the new binder. I slept like a rock.
Ok, so I'm swollen. Really swollen. Even my doctor says so. As far as my stomach, she says it may take a month to finally go down. Walking will help, but it also may add to the irritation. I was told to drink water and avoid salt. She also wants me to stop wearing what they gave me because it's not very comfortable and buy Spanks or a corset or something from the underwear dept at a store.
As far as my breasts, she said they are really high and swollen as well. She brought me a band, made of the same material that was on my waist, and told me that I need to wear it 24/7 for probably the next 3 weeks to help push them down into place. Awesome. One more thing to make me feel super sexy.
I asked her about arm movement and she said that I could do whatever I wanted as long as I didn't push myself and it didn't hurt. If I take it slow and am careful I can even blow dry my hair if I want. She said light exercise like walking is ok. I asked her if the feeling would come back in my nipples [inquiring minds want to know!] and I was told that it would, I'm too swollen now, and that no one had ever permanently lost sensation there. Phew!
The bra I had on was too tight so she got me a new one that was closer to the original I had come home in. I can wear a camisole if it's tight or has a shelf bra instead if I want, but no sports bras because they might push the implants up again. She taught me a simple exercise to move the implants around in the shower and help them settle. I asked her about all of the fancy techniques for massaging that I saw on the internet and she said that wasn't necessary. Hmmmm...who to believe??? [I am inclined to believe my own surgeon, but then in the back of my head can't help but wonder why other surgeons recommend differently...]
She told me everything looks normal, even though I feel like a freak, and said to see her in two more weeks for another follow up. And then we were done, just like that!
When I got home I was tired, the driving was really taxing, and so I ate and sat around for a bit. Then I decided to take that walk that I had meant to take the other day [gotta pay them bills!] so I grabbed my phone and ventured out.
OMG. Waaaaay harder than I thought.
It took me almost an hour to walk like ten blocks. My body was complaining the whole time and I kept having to remind myself that my shoulders should be back and not to grab my stomach [I resembled someone about to throw up]. By the time I was home I was out of breath and exhausted. I'm inclined to think that it was probably good for me, but I need to take it a little slower.
However, nothing hurts as bad as the new band across my chest squeezing air out of my lungs and fighting the two bags of silicone that are trying to push back up. This is going to be a very painful month!
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